I bumped into Bruce Lessels last year at the Wildcat Pentathlon, a race consisting of a run, downriver paddle, bike, hike, and ski. Bruce and his cohorts of the West County Old Stars had the great idea of creating a race just like that of the Wildcat Wildfire, but here in beautiful Western MA. Why not, we may have possibly one of the best venues in Charlemont, Monroe, and Rowe, MA.
Top of the run! Looking below at the Warfield House |
In its inaugural running, the Berkshire Highlands Pentathlon features some of the best of what is offered in Western MA. The race consists of a 5 mile trail run, 23 mile road bike ride, 5 mile class 1 and 2 downriver kayak, a hike/run/scramble up Berkshire East, and ski run to the finish. Sounds like a challenge heh? Well there is more! The run includes 1100ft of climbing through mud, rocks, roots, jeep roads and single track (and amazing views with bag pipes!) The bike includes over 2400 feet elevation gain, 2000 ft in the first 12 miles straight up to the wonderful little town of Monroe with the townspeople out cheering you on.. The paddle is down the chilly 40 degree waters of the Deerfield (don't dump!) and the ski has variable spring conditions and gates with a finish at the lodge of Berkshire East and a BBC in a pint glass waiting for you!
Run route
Bike Route
The view from the Warfield House |
Charlie, Katherine, Crystal and I took residence at the Warfield House for the weekend. What a cool place! When we weren't hurting ourselves during the race or pondering over what to wear, we chased chickens around the barn, talked with the goats, and 'hang' with the horses. (Yup, there is a private joke there for my comrades!) Friends, I cant talk up this place enough. What a great B and B.
Crystal trying to get breakfast |
The challenge with these in-between season races are logistics. There was a forecast for 1-2 inches of snow for the race and we had to decide between slow and safe or fast and risky for the bike. I decide to set up my bike with the slower 28mm tire the night before figuring I would have time in the morning to change them back. In the morning, the roads were dry, but after a lengthy mandatory meeting, time ran out and there would be no time for a tire change. Bad time management on my part...i was riding the big wheels.
Charlie and I setting up skis and snowboard prior to the race. |

We started the race at the bottom of one of the ski slopes. The trail in front of us was covered in mud. I was loving it already! We ran through the mud and into Charlemont as we were greeted by locals, volunteers, and neighbors sitting out on their lawns in the chilly, damp 40 degree air. I cant speak highly enough of the support that the town of Charlemont gave. THANK YOU!! The run quickly turned onto Riddel Road which became a dirt road and then a muddy dirt road. As we climbed Josh and I pulled ahead of the other competitors. As we approached the top of the hill, the sound of bagpipes filled the air as we overlooked a beautiful view! Josh and I hammered down the Sound of Music field and headed back into the woods. I really enjoyed running the trails with Josh. We competed but also helped each other as we searched for the pink ribbons. The run ended with a super fast descent. My new Inov-8 x-Talon 190s gripped the trail beautifully!
Josh and I racing over the field |

The bike course was part beautiful, part suffrage, and another part suffrage. The climb up to Monroe was long and steep and I rode the granny gear most of the way. From the top, the descent was steep, fast, and somewhat dangerous. For this reason the race organizers "neutralized" the descent. Riders where not suppose to go more than 15 mph. Volunteers let cyclists know when they entered the neutralized zone, but then i was not sure where it ended. Next year, I think having signs informing cyclists where the zone ends would be helpful. Also volunteers told me that the front riders where riding quite a bit faster than I was. I would have only saved 10 or so seconds but then again I lost 3rd place by 3 or 4 seconds. Fifteen mph on a steep descent is really difficult to maintain without burning out your breaks. I think 20 mph would be a better limit and keep riders at a closer speed. Regardless, I'm happy that no accidents happened.
With the lack of snow and rain, the river was quite a bit lower than
it usually is at this time of the year. Usually the river would be running at
2000cfs. On this day, it was only about 800 cfs of dam release water.
Low, but still plenty enough water to race in if you can follow the lines. Reminders of the floods brought on by hurricane Irene where evident on
all the banks of the river. Huge trees, branches, and limbs where piled
up 20 feet high, maybe more. I felt sluggish in the low water as i
tried to find the best lines. I definitely missed a few lines of current
and the low water got me stuck on a few rocks.
Nice move Katherine!! |
This was Charlie's first multi-sport with a kayak leg. Charlie rented a kayak from Zoar Outfitters and with very little kayak experience, and almost no down-river kayak experience he was able to get down the river with no problem. He said he loved it! Time to get him into a faster boat!
This was also Katherine's first roll as support crew. Look at her go!...she had no idea what she got herself into! One of the reasons I love this type of race is working with a support crew..it becomes a team event even racing as an individual. Though at first Katherine may have been a bit hesitant to the role of support, I think she ended up having a really good time!
I pulled up to the river bank to see my support ace Crystal wildly ringing the cow bell...yup..i got the best support crew! I slipped on my running shoes and went running off to the hike. After sitting in the boat for 44 minutes, I was feeling the excess lactic acid built up in my hamstring and the muscles were not liking it.
I got to my back pack and headed up the slope...The hike was a bit slow but as I reached the top i was still holding 3rd place. As i got the skis off my back pack, which took much longer than I planned, I noticed my boots where on the wrong skis. Duh! I did not want to waste time switching them, so I left them as is. Then as I was getting my feet into the boots, I couldn't loosen my buckle to get into the boot..argh...utter, pure frustration, intensified by fatigue. (I'm sure if i wasn't tired, i would have no problem with any of these chores). The hike to ski transition took me 5 minutes, just enough time for the 4th place guy to catch up. I skied down the slope, dealing with the mismatched skis and taking a fall where the snow turned to mud. Then at the end of the snow covered slope, I got the skis off, ran towards the end, and lost by just a couple seconds just as Jonathan Swan passed me at the finish.
Whats left after the snow-less summer like winter. I m in the mud after loosing balance. Jonathan is on my tail... |
I was certainly disappointed mainly because its was a frustrating finish. Regardless Jonathan Swan had a great race and deserve the spot on the podium. Next year I will be back with a better ski set-up and will be sure to double check my gear before the race!
This race was a huge success mainly because of the volunteers and folks that came out to make this race fun and safe. Pictured right is Coach, 83 years old. He first directed runners down the streets of Charelmont and then was at the finish 3 hours later to shake hands and offer praise to the participants. Thanks for the support coach!
Josh Wins!!! Good job Josh |
Josh had a great race winning the BraveHeart solo division and placing ahead all but 2 teams. He is a machine! Watch out for him at Tuckerman's Inferno this year!

Mike McCusker and Bruce Lessels did a fantastic job putting this race together. Pictured right is Mike with our dedicated bagpiper. Mike led the award ceremonies and recognition in an enthusiastic Scottish accent, adding a great finishing touch to the whole event ( left).
This is my type of event and i hope it continues to grow. When i think of adventure racing, this is it! To top it off, the race benefits local land preservation and local education. I'm already looking forward to next year!
The Team! |
Beers after the race...do we look tired? |
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